Tuesday, July 15, 2008

On my mind Damascs -> Pearisburg

In Damascus, I first got the whole story about the fisherman who were shot several weeks before I got to Damascus. An at-first sketchy character was telling me about it and that made me super comfortable... His name was Crazy Horse and he had a lazy eye. I say "at-first" sketchy because after talking to him a little bit, he just like everybody else is just a hiker. All hikers are "at-first" sketchy to some degree. I know that even I probablly sketch some other people out at first. Anyways, I was about to leave town when he was imparting this information on me and him being sketchy and all, I thought he was going to go out there and get me or something. Oh my imagination! At least it keeps things interesting.

Here is the Randall Smith shooting story

All 160 miles to Pearisburg, that crazyfool was on my mind. Really there isn't a lot of danger due to people because they are crazy, but once in a while some nut case finds out that the trail is out there and the people on it would be relatively easy targets. Don't worry about me thought because I avoid the crazies at all cost and I haven't met any so far.

The place where he commited the murders in the 80's and the attempted murders two months ago is a shelter about 18 miles from town. All day I was alone for the most part. I hadn't seen anybody and then a couple of miles from the shelter, I passed three guys. One had a big knife strapped to the shoulder strap and another had a machete strung onto the side of his pack. As I was passing them I was wondering what in the heck people are going out into the woods strapped with machetes? It really does give your average hiker at least a little bit of a scare. When I got to the shelter a little while later, I found out from the hikers that were already there, that one of the three guys that I had passed earlier on the trail was one of the fisherman from above story. That explained the machete and it eased my mind about the whole matter.

At least you know I'm ok, I'm making posts!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

"All hikers are "at-first" sketchy to some degree. I know that even I probablly sketch some other people out at first."

LOL. Daniel, I am sure this is true. You've got the "giant murdering lumberjack" look going on. Throw in some plaid and I bet you can stare your way into a free hotel stay.